A Dark and Moody New Moon full of Pisces

Published on 26 February 2023 at 21:06

I find myself casually grazing social media less and less these days. I feel like an outsider, or more of a social media stalker, when I do use it I don't engage. I used to enjoy it, but now not so much. It all just seems so irrelevant. I'm also finding that I have little interest in what the world is doing right now. Current affairs? Who cares?

I’ve gone a bit insular recently, mainly I'm focused on myself. Who knows if that's Selfish? But, you can't pour from a cup that's empty, can you?

Whether It's forcing myself to stop, or taking time out from my busy schedule to mull over thoughts, I'm allowing myself to feel things- also not numbing my emotions with alcohol and refusing to acknowledge my feels is on the to do list.

As challenging as it’s been, learning to put myself first was really intrinsic to my personal growth.

Last year I dove into the abyss of lunar cycles, tarot cards, astrology, synchronicity, numbers, crystal healing, spiritual practice, meditation- albeit if everyone around me thought I’d gone bat-shit crazy, Frankly, I just don't care anymore.

The biggest lesson I’ve learnt in this life is to not give a fuck what other people think. It just makes you miserable. 

You have one life, so fucking live it and trust in your inner vision, wherever it may take you. I actually like that people don't make time for me now- it gives me more of a chance to write and there's a lot less drama.

I have watched the world I knew around me crumble, and stood there holding the jerry can, It was kind of satisfying. The things that once meant so much to me have changed. So then I rebuilt, with stronger foundations.

I learned to trust in symbolism, it was everywhere around me, little synchronistic signs from the universe and I slowly found my spirituality again, cementing my beliefs.

With the arrival of dreamy Pisces season, I thought I’d share my thoughts. With dreamy visions and all that calm before the fires of Aries descend upon us..

Let’s face it Pisces, you are intuitive, almost psychic, you feel deeply and are highly empathetic. Combined with an intuitive new moon you should already be feeling the effects of this season Am I right?.

Now is a good time to make manifestations under the new moon. Manifestations that we set during the new moon should be tangible, bold and bright, if you want to future to be filled with delight.

Then there's the full moon, on the 7th March 2023 and it's the perfectionist sign of Virgo. Full Moons have a way of bringing hidden emotions or feelings to the surface, but the empathetic side of Pisces may lead to a flooding of emotions under the sparkling moon which hopefully will lead to heartfelt, healing conversations with loved ones.

We could be in for some pretty interesting events. Emotional outbursts followed by declarations of love, vivid dreams of loved ones, gestures of love out of the blue.

It is also a time of letting go and shedding what no longer serves us. We could be letting go of toxic habits, bad routines or poor diet.

New and imaginative thoughts may come and knock you off your feet like a bolt out of the blue. Electric and magnetic creative thoughts should be allowed to flow.

You could also get the arrival of news you’ve been waiting for and wishing on.

Animated brainstorms that keep you awake too long and the ability to forge new, productive connections.

You could just meet someone out of the blue and get on like a house on fire, you know? Get swept away in vivid dreams of delight.

Pieces of Pisces

“A fiery arrow shot me down in the dark,


A twisted blade that lit the spark,


I was dreaming of gold resolutions,


No solution- just a revolution,


I’ll keep on dreaming the same visions,


Hypersonic, real and psychic prisms,


The significance of strange things,


Listen as the scarlet woman sings,


I’ve been here so many times before,


Somehow there is never any more,


Lost in a mystical, catsuit mentality


Trying to understand this hidden reality.”

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