An eclipse of the Mind, Failure is an Illusion

Published on 16 May 2022 at 15:56

The eclipse in Scorpio tonight, is bringing in some intense pressure to cleanse and purge our lives of unwanted emotional baggage. Are you ready for it?

The peak of eclipse season is one of an intense emotional clearing of the psyche, it points out what’s in a higher alignment with our intuition, and what no longer serves us- on a deeper level.

It will help us to take ownership of our own wants and desires, and it focuses on us being sociable, whilst also encouraging us to be individuals. There is pressure here to help us understand that being ourselves will encourage us socially.

There are a lot of planets going into retrograde during the second half of the year, so now would be a good time to get some structure and planning in place for the year ahead. If you’re indecisive the universe will give you challenges to test you, so be clear on what it is that you want.

The Scorpio moon could also lead to intense delusions. These could manifest themselves in many ways, from nightmares to illusions and expectations, which could make you realise you're out of touch with reality a little.

Of course, it might feel uncomfortable to realise that we have crafted a paranoid delusion of the reality around us, but this is for our own good, so that we can let go of any emotional obsessions.

You might find yourself feeling self-critical of your creations, or being overly judgemental of the decisions you have made. The ones that have led you to this point but don’t be. It’s time to shift that energetic drain on us.

One of my biggest fears and one of my most constant thoughts is an obsession with failure. I am a saboteur who consistently thinks about failure. What I find fascinating about this however, is that so many people seem to share this trait.

While it’s possible you might not even know that you have it, it’s quite likely that everyone will be feeling the effects under the Scorpio full moon to some degree.

Something that seems to be springing up everywhere at the moment, is the law of attraction. What you put out there, is what you get back. It’s really starting to gain popularity and honestly, I think that’s because, underneath it all, it addresses people’s deep-rooted fear that they will fail.

I’m not denying it works a little, I guess it trains your mind to manifest the good. It focuses on what we do right and sometimes that is all we need to succeed. It’s like counselling for the psyche.

Like the 10 of wands in tarot, self-sabotage is a heavy burden. The phrase “you’re your own worst enemy” springs to mind. It can be crushing to self-sabbotage but it can happen easily.

Self-sabotaging is caused by the anti-self, a harsh inner critic and a warped perception of who we really are. While I’m not a psychologist and I’m sure there are many causes, one thing I do know is the debilitating effects that self-sabotage can have on our day to day lives. I do live with it after all.

Sometimes, we don’t even realise that we are doing it. It’s like there is a part inside of us that has turned against ourselves, that casts doubt on our abilities and puts down our desires. Shed all those fears during this eclipse. 


Dream Scape

I’ve stepped out into a world of the unknown,

Where dimensions co-exist with each other,

The white-hot sunburns so very brightly,

And the air is dry and arid, like the desert,

Its stubborn glow casts doubt in my mind,

Where I daydream vividly most of the time,

The steps I descended are hot and pinch,

As my toes hit the concrete under them,

Eventually, I take a break, its only right,

Or is it left, I’ve got confused again and

Find myself walking down here once more,

Just like I did before. Suddenly, I begin to

Panic, my feet they run but don’t carry me

Any longer, floating up high, I’m lost again,

Waiting for the rain to wash away this sticky

Heat and soothe my burning two little feet.

Eventually, I see a distant glazed backdrop,

With a tall snowy mountain in the distance,

This is not my fate so I start to walk ahead,

A coral shore before me with golden sand,

But, when I get there the gate is rusted shut,

And it’s encased by a giant tall brick wall,

That stretches twenty feet into the air.

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