Aries Fire Manifestations and The Journey of the Fool

Published on 31 March 2022 at 16:48

There’s a new moon in Aries tonight and it marks the start of the new astrological year. April 1st is also commonly known for it’s playful nature as April fools day, a day where we celebrate practical jokes.

In tarot, the fool card is a vagabond, at the beginning of his journey. He must walk along the path of the moon, through the mountains until he reaches the end of his journey as the hermit holding the lantern, on top of the mountain.

The Fool symbolises new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner’s luck, improvisation and believing in the universe- I felt like this was fitting.

I’ve been blogging for 16 months now and I still feel like that dizzying fool at the beginning of his quest searching for something I haven’t figured out yet.

I must admit, by now I thought I’d be further than this. I still feel a little stuck and well new to this, even though I’m not.

I have to keep reminding myself that I am not the fool any longer and that I have developed so many skills over these last 16 months from just living my life. Has it been challenging? Yes, remarkably!

Did I think it would go this far? Absolutely not. I’m still stunned that I’m doing this full time- it was something that I dreamed about doing for so long.

But, it was difficult and as much as I love writing I don’t want to sugar coat it. There are certainly easier ways to make a living.

I get the feeling that this will be the toughest year yet for me and my little blog, but who knows what is on the horizon? A crystal ball sounds alluring at this stage… or perhaps not. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.


Crystal Ball

Crystal Ball by the wall, 


Tell me who is the fairest of them all?


Why am I plagued with self-doubt?


Why can't I write something, 


To make them all shout?


Why can't I achieve my dreams?


Why is nothing as it seems?


Oh crystal ball, beside the wall, 


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