A sleepy New Moon in Taurus to set new Intentions

Published on 19 May 2023 at 23:34

A sleepy New Moon in Taurus tonight, reveals it's delight. A time to set intentions, be bold and wild, in the fresh night. Believe in yourself, this is the time, to manifest your heart's desire. 


Taurus is a sensual sign, prepare for the material to transpire. Nature will bring you joy, believe that happiness is on the horizon. Remember, that we are not humans having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. 


Learn to take pleasure in the simple things. Our senses are a blessing. Enjoy the pleasures all around, we can breathe in the new, and sing a song to a different tune.


This new moon will be a good time for abundance, so manifest your material worth. After a turbulent few years,  finance wise this could be a new start. But be aware of that big bold Jupiter energy which is currently in the sign of Taurus. While it expands everything it touches, it can also can cause acceleration at an alarming pace.


While this is good for business be careful not to get overwhelmed. A precession of planets are dancing with Taurus at the moment, so this New Moon will bring the opportunity to set intentions and meet those dreamy horizons. 


Enjoy this auspicious time. As the sleepy Taurus energy descends, find peace in well-being. Self-care and boundaries are a luxury we can afford right now, and we are finding peace within. Find your calm and feel at ease. The perfect energy to set intentions.


A good practice under this new moon energy is Tarot. Set your intentions with spirit. Make sure you're clear about what is you want. The dust of the Scorpio eclipse has finally settled and now we can envision much more. We have been prepared for this new beginning. 




Gold dust


Everything you touch,


Will turn to gold dust,


Be clear that those,


New intentions set,


Embody who we are,


Be sure that you want,


Truly, all you ask for. 

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