Venus enters Cancer for an Emotional Clearing

Published on 9 May 2023 at 10:47

The Mercury retrograde is in full effect, but with less than a week until it ends, that retrograde energy is heavy right now. Venus also entered Cancer on May 7th 2023, which means sensitivity is at an all time high. As cancer is a water sign, often described as a "moody," emotionally, this transit could feel very up and down for most. Think of the tides, pulling energy in and out. Venus the planet of love transiting this sign can mean that we are more emotional than usual. May will bring about a clearing of inner emotional turmoil, essentially it's a spring clean for the soul. 


During this time, it won't be unusual to stay at home where possible, and to take pleasure in creating a loving and warm environment for those closest to you. The phrase we equate to the five people we spend the most time with, is useful here. This transit will deepen bonds and bring to the surface any issues that lie hidden, in the depths of your most personal relationships. Those who matter the most are the most important right now. 


If music be the food of love, play on sweet planets. As Venus is the ruler of art, you could find yourself being drawn to home renovations especially. It is likely that new projects, after the shadow of the retrograde, and the intense chaotic eclipse energy passes, will become a passion. Art projects, DIY or landscaping around the home, will likely take front and centre stage during this transit. A desire to create a nurturing environment and a comfortable place to enjoy it in, is important at this time. 


Watch out for psychic drama over the next couple of weeks. While it is easy to call others to complain about our problems, it is not wise. It's essential to take care of all that you put out there into the ether. It is likely to be absorbed by others, so be mindful during this time. 


A good practice during this time is to have spiritual baths. Hot water will help to flush out the pent up emotional frustration, Drinking plenty of water during this time is also essential, as Cancer is a water sign. The most important relationship you have is with yourself, so make sure you listen to your own needs. Remember to set boundaries to protect yourself, although it may feel challenging with Saturn in Pisces. You can't pour from a cup that is empty, after all. 


There will be a new moon in Taurus on May 19th, which should feel at ease, a good time to manifest your hopes and desires, but from the 24th onwards, energies could get heated. The moon will join with Mars, the planet of War, and this could make things a little uncomfortable, especially within personal relationships. Then when the moon squares with Pluto we could feel threatened.


A wounding of relationships with loved ones could take place at this point, revolving around money or a lack of time made for those we care about. Take care during  this time. That psychic drama you dumped into the ether a couple of weeks ago could come back and bite you. Now is not the time for larger than life ego's. The Venus in Cancer transit will last until June.     


Venus eye's


The tides are high,

Pitiful eyes, 

Emotions flutter,

On the air waves,

Wing's stretch out, 

Soaring past ripples,

At the water's edge, 

That gather by the shore,

The vastness of the sea,

So limitless and free, 

Is all connected,

We are the collective. 

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